Thursday, July 11, 2013

What a Blessing!

So many people have told me I should write a book.  My story is unbelievable.  One lady even wrote to me that Max, Madden and Me should be a Lifetime movie.  Well, there is another piece to add to our truly unbelievable story.

After Madden died, we talked about adoption.  We figured we would give it a few years, then decide if we wanted to take that route.  Well, God had different plans. 

Soon after losing Madden, we found out a family member of ours was expecting a child.  For different reasons, she is unable to care for the baby, and asked us to adopt him.  Aaron and I discussed it and knew immediately that we would. 

Some people want to know what our intentions are...are we trying to replace our lost sons?  Do we just want a bigger family?  The simple answer is, he is a baby, he needs a home, we can provide it for him. 

He was due to be born in early August, but we got a phone call in the middle of the night this past week that she was in labor.  So, now I'd like to introduce you to our newest addition, Michael Benedict Machac.  We will be calling him Michael Ben, after our fathers.  We knew we would love him, but I had no idea how much.  He is absolutely perfect.  I will elaborate more in my next post, but for today, just know that Aaron and I are in love with Michael Ben and we can't wait to bring him home.  God is good!

Michael Ben Machac born July 10, 2013 at 5:07 am - 6 pounds, 11 ounces, 20.25 inches long




  1. Oh Robyn! I am soooo happy for y'all!!!!

  2. ohmygoodness I love this! We just brought home our foster son (who we hope to adopt) a few weeks ago. It is amazing to now be able to see how God adopted us into his family and the love you can have when they are not biologically yours.

  3. My God continue to Bless ya'll.

  4. As I read this my eyes are filled with the happiest tears on this earth for your family. God has plans and I am so glad to see this plan for ya'll. Welcome Michael Ben you are coming into a great and loving family. God speed..... I can hear the excitement and joy in your words and it's breathtaking to feel that joy and love you will now be sharing.....

  5. Oh how amazingly wonderful!!!!!!! So excited, happy and thrilled for yall!! God is good!!

  6. Praise God for inspiring you - and you for hearing HIM !!!

  7. God is Good!!! congrats on new baby boy

  8. That is absolutely amazing Congrats to yal wishing your family a lifetime of Blessings and Joy, Michael Ben is so precious!

  9. Congratulations Robin and Aaron. I know you will be wonderful parents and will bring Michael Ben up to know our Lord. God bless you and your family. Love you all.

  10. "..he is a baby, he needs a home, we can provide it for him." I loved that answer :)

  11. Mrs Machac I am so happy for you and your family! I remember seeing you in the hallway when you were miss R, then as my geometry teacher, and then my ccd teacher and every single time I saw you, you had a smile on your face! But then seeing you go through such a hard time, and not seeing your smile was HEARTBREAKING! But NOW after reading this, an abundant amount of joy has been tossed into my heart! You along with your family deserve this happiness and do much MORE! Michael Ben has to be one of the luckiest babies in the world to have the honor of calling you mommy! congratulations and have fun with your new bundle of joy!! (;<3

  12. I love the smile on both of your faces! God is good!
    Congratulations and much love, Sheila and Marcus Demel

  13. OHHHH this makes me so so happy!!! Congratulations!!!

  14. Robin, I am so happy the hear the great new about Michael Ben. your family has been through so much it is good to see you guys so strong and happy. Micahel Ben is a very lucky little boy. My family wishes and prays many more blessings for your family.

  15. Gave me goosebumps, so happy for you guys!

  16. What a wonderful twist to your story! many blessings to you!
